A distinguished party from the US Embassy in London visited The Harwich Mayflower Project on Saturday. We were truly honoured to receive the party which included Nathaniel J. Pines from the United States Department of State, Vince Murphy, assistant Cultural Attache and Jason Rayner, Project Manager. The US delegation stated that they were unanimously, extraordinarily impressed by the Project and all that we are achieving. Our Chairman, Tom Daly escorted our US Special Guests on a full tour of our Training School, Build Shed and to see the Mayflower ship build itself in action. Following luncheon the party reiterated that they wholly support our Harwich Mayflower ship build and Charity going forwards. The Ambassador is entirely cognizant of our endeavour and we look forward to welcoming more United States dignatrories in the near future.
“The support and approval from the United States via the US Embassy is of immense and vital importance to us here at the Project. We value their keen interest and understand that they are looking at ways in which they can assist us. The heart of the Mayflower story lies with the US people and we are honoured to be building once more the Mayflower of Harwich, and to be able to join with everyone in the Celebrations in 2020.” Tom Daly, Chairman